Photographs reveal as much about the photographer, as they do about the things they capture. From the pictures taken, one can sense a photographer’s world view, perspective and sometimes beliefs. And, am sure my photographs reveal more about me than I probably realise.
I took up photography as a kid, when my father bought his Nikon FE. Those were the days of films, of waiting for the prints to arrive, of being judicious with the number of pictures one took (since each click costed money to develop). World has changed dramatically for a photographer. The equipment itself has evolved, and so has the process of editing, of social sharing, and maybe even the web technologies. It isn’t cheap, and it can consume a lot time and effort. But for me, that perfect picture is the reward in itself.
I consider myself as being on a spiritual path, and find a lot in common between Spirituality and Photography. Some spiritual traditions talk of cultivating an attitude of ‘being a witness’ to our life’s circumstances, a ‘Drashta Bhav’. Even as a photographer, one should be able to pull away from the immediate circumstances, and notice the unfolding of the moment. Another goal for the spiritual seeker is to transcend the ego, which is a challenge for a photographer too – to become transparent, to not come between the camera and the subject. I hope that as I personally evolve, my photography will evolve too.
I like to occasionally write about my perspectives, experiences, and Haiku’s. But I write only when some idea grabs me. Hopefully this website will make me more susceptible to such ideas.
If anything on this website resonates with you, I would love to hear it. Do leave a comment or reach out on my social handles. Thanks for being here.